Alumni support forms the cornerstone of our new campus home. This support is strong given the alumni from all walks of life participating in the project.
A core group of alumni started thinking about this house several years ago, with a planning group joining biweekly calls, over time growing to over 30 brothers on video calls each Sunday night.
These alumni were representative of our founding principle “diffusion of liberal culture” as they represent many professions, from aviation, medicine, finance and business management, to those more typically familiar with building a home: architecture, engineering, information technology, and construction.
We shared the spirit of brotherhood on these calls. For some of us, these have been trying and challenging years during COVID, and yet our little fraternity project has grown from a dream into a design.
We saw the plans, inspired by stately homes around the lakes of Minneapolis, and we visually examined samples of North Dakota bricks, learning our project would stand for over 100 years on campus – and on land we own – 421 Princeton Street.
This home designed by our alumni not only provides living space, but also will include team spaces for members and friends to work together on group projects, create multimedia, or study quietly.
This home as stated by Cary Schilling, “is designed by the men of Delta Upsilon for the men of Delta Upsilon.”
421 Princeton is a home, but it is so much more.
Reaching our $6 million goal in pledges (not cash) by January 31, 2022 ensures we can obtain a loan sufficient to build the 3-story house we want and begin construction when the ground thaws in the Spring.
Please check out our hub for the new house drive and consider making a donation today!