Chapter President
Once again this has not been a typical college semester, the COVID-19 pandemic is still affecting the college and fraternity experience. There have been several obstacles our chapter has had to overcome from not only the pandemic but also problems with our current house. However, the young men of Delta Upsilon have rose to the occasion every time there is a problem or a set back and have worked together to overcome it.
The new house project has been moving forward at full steam and is running smoothly. The undergraduates and some alumni cleared out the bank of the English Coulee behind where the new house will sit.
With one day of work the land has it already looking amazing and every – one is excited and passionate about the project. If all goes as planned, we will break ground this summer and the new house should be ready to be moved into by the beginning of the 2022 fall semester.
Thank you to everyone who has been involved and donated to the project, we are very grateful of all the time, money and effort you have invested into the young men of Delta Upsilon.
Gustave Ries
Chapter President