Although our in-person semester was abruptly cut short, the chapter was still active on campus. On February 14, 2020, nine members drove down to Kansas City, MO for Delta Upsilon’s Regional Leadership Academy (RLA) held through the weekend. Here, members engaged with brothers from other chapters, international staff, and alumni on topics varying from loss prevention to fostering a more welcoming brotherhood. The weekend is designed to also pick members’ brains on pressing issues that Greek life faces. At the end of the RLA, each chapter is asked to give a presentation on what they have learned over the weekend and how they will bring it back to their chapters.

March 8, 2020 marked the return of an annual tradition between Delta Upsilon and Phi Delta Theta, the Coulee Ice Hockey Tournament. Typically, the tournament is held on the frozen English Coulee that runs directly behind both of our houses, but it was too warm outside to safely be on the ice. Alternatively, the game was held at a rink in the park. It was a close game, but we came up just short of winning.

The chapter is always looking for ways to improve. This semester the chapter established two new chairs— Scholarship Chair and Wellness Chair. The duties of the scholarship chair are to help members find scholarship opportunities and direct members to university scholarship resources. Scholarship chair will also assist the VP Academic Excellence with other scholastic opportunities. The Wellness Chair was established to provide members resources and access to mental, physical, and spiritual health resources. Another duty of the Wellness Chair is to set up formal fireside chats. Fireside chats are moderated discussions between brothers on hot and controversial topics, or any topic for that matter. These are a great way to discuss global, local, and personal issues.
The undergraduate chapter is proud to announce a spring chapter GPA of 3.52. This placed DU as 2nd overall fraternity GPA and 5th overall Greek GPA while being above the all UND undergraduate GPA and all Greek GPA for the spring semester. Another notable accomplishment is our new member 3.86 GPA. Our new member’s hard work earned them the highest new member GPA out of all the Greek houses!