The following are excerpts from remarks made by Brother Rod Kirsch, ’78, and Fundraising & Development Co-chair at the Chapter’s 60th Anniversary Celebration held on October 23, 2021
“Our aspirational goal is to raise $6 million. Our immediate next benchmark is to reach $5 million. When we reach $5 million, our campaign will stand as one of the 15 largest campaigns in Greek collegiate history, men or women, in this country.”
“We have such a talented group of alumni in our brotherhood and so many are bringing their special skills to bear on this project. Hundreds and hundreds of volunteer hours have been given to our effort.”
“During the course of the campaign, I have had individual gift conversations with more than 35 brothers. Nearly all of them recall the importance of pride we had for nearly 30 years in setting the academic standards for the Greek system at UND.”
“Our next campaign phase begins immediately. We are recruiting class chairs to reach out to every single alumnus member of the chapter. If you wish to volunteer, we will give you all the tools and information necessary to be successful.”
“Brothers, if you have not yet made a gift, I hope that you will reflect on what DU has meant to you in your life and consider a contribution. We have a debt to repay for the experience we had as DU’s. I am happy to talk with any of you about how you can help.”
As of February 3, 2022, we have just under $4 million dollars committed. Please see our Donor Appreciation page to view our list of donors
If you would like to talk with Rod about the Capital Campaign, please fill out the Contact Us form and we’ll make sure to connect you with him.