The past school year was a very promising one for the North Dakota Chapter of Delta Upsilon. In the spring semester we rose back to a 3.15 GPA which was tied for 3rd among fraternities on campus. With this GPA, we beat out the men’s average on campus demonstrating what fraternity and specifically DU represents opportunity wise for an individual at UND. We also averaged over 30 hours of community service per member in the spring semester. And over the course of the school year, we raised $1500 for our philanthropy, the Global Service Initiative. Lastly, our chapter received awards of chapter excellence in Membership Education and Associate Membership Education. With all of these accolades North Dakota DU finished as a sweepstakes finalist at the Leadership Institute in Orlando. This makes us a top 12 chapter internationally. Although we are proud of our accomplishments, we have our eyes set on being finalists for the current school year and accomplishing bigger and better things.

As construction of the new house is finally underway, the reality of what we are building is starting to set in. From the undergrads, we are eagerly awaiting the day we can call 421 Princeton our home and are preparing and ready to take advantage of the new opportunities the new house will give us as a chapter. With the fall associate member class, we look forward to filling the new house with our future leaders.
To end my message, I wanted to thank my executive board for making my job as president as easy as possible. And I wanted to give two special thank-yous to brothers Blake Polejewski and Brad Aafedt. The advising and mentorship they have provided during my presidency has made the job infinitely easier and our chapter is lucky and grateful to have both of them.
Matthew Fredrickson ‘23
Chapter President